Assessment Cover Sheet and Learner Declaration for TAEDES301/TAEDEL311 TAEDEL301/TAEDEL311 PROVIDE WORK SKILL INSTRUCTION (RELEASE 3)This form is to be completed by the student and assessor as a preliminary record of the student's results. All student submissions, including any associated checklists as outlined below, must be attached together with this assessment cover sheet before uploading on the document on this student’s profile. Student results are not to be entered on the Student Management Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed and attached to this form. 📃ASSESSMENT COVER SHEETThis assessment covers the following units: TAEDEL301/TAEDEL311 - PROVIDE WORK SKILL INSTRUCTION 🖋️ FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTSNot Applicable for this unit 🖋️ SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTSSUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS This module contains the following assessment tasks to supply evidence for the units of competence listed above. ASSESSMENT TASK 1 - ONLINE WRITTEN ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT TASK 2 - STUDENT PROJECT - DELIVERY OF THREE TRAINING SESSIONS 🖋️ STUDENT TO COMPLETE THIS SECTIONStudent Full Name(Required) Dr.MissMr.Mrs.Ms.Mx.Prof.Rev. Prefix First Middle Last Mobile Number(Required)Student Email(Required) I.T.S Student NumberExample: ITS000123X (10 characters) or AITS200001X (11 characters) - Your student number must start with 'ITS' or 'AITS' and contain the correct amount of charactersCourse Type(Required) Class or workshop Online / distance learning Other - describe If Other(Required)Last Submission? Check this box if you believe this is the final workbook submission for the award of your qualification. GENERAL SUBMISSION STATEMENTLearner Declaration(Required) I agree to the following statements. I declare that I have been advised of the assessment requirements, informed of my rights and responsibilities as an assessment candidate, and have chosen to be assessed at this time. I declare that the responses, opinions, and statements that form my answers to these assessment tasks are my own and contain no material written by another person or AI software except where due reference is made. I know that a false declaration may lead to I.T.S withdrawing my qualification or statement of attainment. I acknowledge that Intelligent Training Solutions may verify the authenticity of all extrinsic evidence provided (such as third-party reports, previously developed work, etc.) in support of my assessment submission prior to recording a final result. I understand that by submitting any such extrinsic evidence, I authorise Intelligent Training Solutions to contact the relevant organisations and individuals to authenticate it. I understand that I will receive feedback verbally or in writing within 30 days of my final submission and will be informed of the assessment result. I am aware of my right to appeal an assessment decision, as per the appeals policy and procedure, which are publicly available on the I.T.S website or in my student handbook. Assessment Task 1 | Learner Declaration(Required) I agree to the following statements.I declare that the information in this Assessment Task is accurate and reflects my thoughts, opinions, and responses.Assessment Task 2 | Learner Declaration(Required) I agree to the following statements.I declare that the information in this Assessment Task is accurate and reflects my thoughts, opinions, and responses.Signature(Required)Submission Date(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY 🖋️ STUDENT COMMENTSPlease provide us with any additional information you would like your assessor to know prior to making an assessment decision. This section is not intended for course or assessment feedback. A student evaluation form will be sent to you shortly. This will provide you with the opportunity to provide us with feedback.Learner Comments